Monday, November 14, 2011

Dragon Fire Returns

Here it is. This was done in 2010, and those who saw both (on Facebook) like this one better. I was able to correct some mistakes in the old one. Each drawing is actually 4 drawings, one for the dragon and fire, then tone, highlight and shadow. There are 10 main drawings, and drawing 7, 8, 9 have an extra drawing of the fire for the "glow" effect. The x-sheet* is done first, each drawing is scanned, painted and with the help of a network, Toon Boom Harmony puts it all together. Interesting, to me, is that the shadows, highlights, tone and glow are painted grey (or any color) and the computer program matches it to the color of the main drawing.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Magic Time of Day

I almost didn't capture the beautiful Cami during the "magic time of day," the lighting film makers crave. So, I shall share it with you. It was taken with my iPhone, as I couldn't reach a camera fast enough. Both she and Bear started moving toward the camera and playing around. I thought I'd lose the light. Bear basically acted as a roadblock, walking in the way as I was trying to take this.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dragon Sneezes

One of my assignments is to draw on acetate painted with black ink. The result resembles scratchboard. So, doodling around in class, I drew a dragon, which was not one of the thumbnails I had made for approval. My instructor liked it, so tonight I drew a dragon sneezing. I had him rise to his toes and spread his wings for balance just before the "choo" part of "achoo!" Then fire comes out and I confined it with the panel (as if the panel is a wall) and it goes back a bit toward the dragon.
I'll keep you posted and see if that makes the cut for class.
Saw sand animation by Caroline Leaf, which was so good it blew me away. Later had a demo of how to do it. Looks like fun! The textures are amazing!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back at It

Went through quite a dry spell and didn't do too much art! I did keep writing and my novel is up to eleven chapters. After having discussed it with others who publish online, I am still not crazy about putting unpublished stuff online.
This week I have to come up with three ideas, animate walking through my house, and see if I can improve a walk cycle I did in spring 2010. I'm retaking the class because, if you recall, my final project was partially botched by me (not enough frames) and partially by a computer virus. 
Crunch time in the way that I have to think, think, think about story reel quality stuff. That's how you get your foot in the door, with a CD of your work (yeah, they still call it a reel just like you dial a phone but there isn't any dial anymore).
I also want to make a Purdey Good Arts logo. I'm not sure where my drafts are, but I wasn't pleased with them. An artist is always her own worst critic.

Let's face it, art is a fearful thing. Both writing and animation. I think it's because (I'll speak for myself here rather than go second person again) I put so much of myself in it. So, I bear my soul and then someone can just really, really dislike what I've done. On the other hand, why I wrote that first is silly in itself. I think the compliments (over the years) have outweighed the criticism!
Good Things I've Found:
I bought a book by Judy Bridges called Shut Up and Write! Seems a few dollars well spent. She has a Facebook page, if interested. 
Update: 1(12/24/23): Judy Bridges has retired (quite awhile ago) from Redbird Studios. It is now run by Kim Shur.
Another excellent idea is figure drawing at Raven Studio. I really enjoyed my first, and so far, only time. I have a class on Monday and can't go this semester, but will resume when I have Mondays free. The studio is also on Facebook.
Update (5/5/13): Unfortunately, Raven Studio disappeared. It was a great idea. Purdey Good Arts logo is drawn, just needs to be rotated and colored.