Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Animation Ramblings

I opened a Facebook page a couple weeks ago and found that whenever I write about animation, I can literally feel people's eyes glaze over. Here's a digest of some of my rambling:
1. I went to http://awntv.com and enjoyed two animations in the "Graduation Animation" catagory: "Juxtaposing" and "Head Quarters!" I like Head Quarters as an example of really good 3D/CGI type animation, even though I like doing 2D.
2. Go to http://www.bjandtheblog.blogspot.com and watch "A Time for All Seasonings."
3. Animation does involve math. When I used a lip smack as an example (1.7 seconds) and explained it down to frames, all of the eyes reading my Facebook closed and nodded off! Oh, well!
4. I bought a book called "How to Make Animated Films" by Tony White. He used his own film as an example, which is titled "Endangered Species." If you know anything about animation, or, like me, just took a history of animation course, it will blow you away! Search Tony White animation on YouTube and you will find it.
5. Gave up on buying a drafting table. Bought two (12 field and 10 field) animation portable disks. The 10 field is smaller to carry around. Only problem was one of the rubber feet came off, sticking to the bubble wrap. I used Goo-Gone (R) to get the bubble wrap off and some modeling glue to put it back on! Operation was a success.
6. Occurred to me last night: If my life was a screenplay it would start INT LIVING ROOM NIGHT. HOPE GOOD sits at computer on the couch with her cats BEAR and CAMI nearby.
Hope works on her blog...
(Yes, even your life would not make a good screenplay!)

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