Monday, May 29, 2023

May 2023

I guess this is a yearly blog. Here's some things I have recently done:

1. I found 55 3.5 inch floppy disks while I was cleaning a closet. Lifted content off 51 of them using my 2009 MacBook Pro and LibreOffice.  1 was unreadable, and 3 went to RetroFloppy. RetroFloppy did a great job. I was hoping for old writing of mine, but most was about when I was an active Civil War reenactor in the early 90s (secretary, database of participants, research). I sent it to a friend who is still doing that. 

2. Am currently scanning 101 drawings into my computer, for use in the webcomic I've been planning for years.

3. Underpainted a ceramic cat that is to take the place of the Cami and Bear ceramic banks. I was unable to find the originals or repair them. The new one is going to be Cami and is much more realistic and not a bank. When I'm ready the next one will be fired, and I will paint it to look like Bear.

4. I am still writing my final manuscript and am about 1/3 done. I need to edit the timeline a bit. Some of my "cut to new scene" are out of sync, if I can use a film analogy to the printed word. I've also started using (again) a software called WriteRoom. It's very no frills, but does format well to Pages or MS Word. The screen looks like an old green lettered computer...has other "focused" formats, too. I like it because the distractions are gone. I listen to YouTube with one open window and use WriteRoom with another, if I'm on my iMac. I can partially cover any chat or distractions with the open WriteRoom window.

That's not a lot. Since Queen of Everything Chyna cat doesn't do much housework, I do it all myself. She is a specialist at purring and snuggling, and sometimes, unfortunately nipping and yowling. Yesterday, she turned 16. Never found out what the mass on her stomach is (she wouldn't do well in surgery), so I give her medication hoping and praying for the best. She has gained her weight back over the last 2 years.


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