Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Back at It

Went through quite a dry spell and didn't do too much art! I did keep writing and my novel is up to eleven chapters. After having discussed it with others who publish online, I am still not crazy about putting unpublished stuff online.
This week I have to come up with three ideas, animate walking through my house, and see if I can improve a walk cycle I did in spring 2010. I'm retaking the class because, if you recall, my final project was partially botched by me (not enough frames) and partially by a computer virus. 
Crunch time in the way that I have to think, think, think about story reel quality stuff. That's how you get your foot in the door, with a CD of your work (yeah, they still call it a reel just like you dial a phone but there isn't any dial anymore).
I also want to make a Purdey Good Arts logo. I'm not sure where my drafts are, but I wasn't pleased with them. An artist is always her own worst critic.

Let's face it, art is a fearful thing. Both writing and animation. I think it's because (I'll speak for myself here rather than go second person again) I put so much of myself in it. So, I bear my soul and then someone can just really, really dislike what I've done. On the other hand, why I wrote that first is silly in itself. I think the compliments (over the years) have outweighed the criticism!
Good Things I've Found:
I bought a book by Judy Bridges called Shut Up and Write! Seems a few dollars well spent. She has a Facebook page, if interested. 
Update: 1(12/24/23): Judy Bridges has retired (quite awhile ago) from Redbird Studios. It is now run by Kim Shur.
Another excellent idea is figure drawing at Raven Studio. I really enjoyed my first, and so far, only time. I have a class on Monday and can't go this semester, but will resume when I have Mondays free. The studio is also on Facebook.
Update (5/5/13): Unfortunately, Raven Studio disappeared. It was a great idea. Purdey Good Arts logo is drawn, just needs to be rotated and colored.

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